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Bristlelimb tribe

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Bristlelimb Village.jpg
Main leader IconSmall Furbolg.gif High Chief Bristlelimb
Race(s) Furbolg Furbolg
Base of operations Bristlelimb Enclave
Theater of operations Bristlelimb Village
Language(s) Furbolg
Affiliation Independent

The Bristlelimb tribe[1] is a tribe of furbolgs found around Bristlelimb Village on Azuremyst Isle and Bristlelimb Enclave on Bloodmyst Isle. They are led by High Chief Bristlelimb.

A war between the Stillpine and Bristlelimb tribes is occuring. It is said that "the Bristlelimb have done unconscionable things to the furbolgs of Stillpine", but a prophecy says that "A hero will rise - not of furbolg blood - and save the Stillpine tribe."[2][3] They also have Princess Stillpine as a prisoner in a cage.[4]



  1. ^ "The images on this totem depict a war between the Stillpine and the Bristlelimb furbolg tribes.", A [1-30] The Prophecy of Akida
  2. ^ A [1-30] The Prophecy of Akida
  3. ^ A [1-30] Stillpine Hold
  4. ^ A [1-30] Saving Princess Stillpine