Bristle Brigands

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NeutralBristle Brigands
Race(s) IconSmall Niffen.gif Niffen
Base of operations Gaze of Neltharion
Status Defunct

The Bristle Brigands[1] were a group of niffen bandits. They'd rob travelers on the road then retreat back to their hideout where no one would follow. Their hideout was located in Gaze of Neltharion. At some point in the past, the black dragons that used to inhabit the area moved out, and so Gaze of Neltharion was abandoned. It got a reputation for being haunted by all the experiments the dragons left behind. This made the locals steer clear from the place which caused it to become the Bristle Brigands' hideout.[2]

They were jokesters on top of being bandits. They defaced the statue of an important dragon in the Gaze of Neltharion which was found thousands of years later during an excavation led by Roska Rocktooth.[3]

The brigands would compose epics of their exploits, often accompanied by music and merriment. They would even engage in battles of poetics, taking turns composing lyrics to insult the other. And the winner was whoever most damaged the reputation of their opponent. They used flutes carved out of the horns of long-dead dragons.[4]

At some point they buried a fabulous chest of treasure only for some of their company to dig it up again and bury it elsewhere in secrecy from the others.[5]

Kiln-Singer Malraka's grandmother would tell tales of the Bristle Brigands when Malraka was just a pup.[1]
