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Briarback tribe

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MobBriarback tribe
Briarback banner.jpg
Main leader IconSmall Quilboar Female.gif Wagga Snarltusk
Secondary leaders IconSmall QuilboarBrute.gif Captain Razorspine
IconSmall Quilboar Male.gif Foreman Razorgnarl
Race(s) QuilboarQuilboar Quilboar
IconSmall QuilboarBrute.gif Quilboar brute
Character classes Mystic, Geomancer, Thornweaver
Base of operations Briarback Kraul
Theater of operations Stormsong Valley
Affiliation Independent
Status Active

The Briarback tribe of quilboar is located in Stormsong Valley on Kul Tiras. They have moved out of Briarback Kraul and are attacking the Amber Waves of Stormsong Valley.






  • The Enraging Vapors extra button received from Stinky Potions and  [Sedative Quill] refer to them as Razorspine quilboar.