Breaking the Code

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For the Classic version, see N [60] Breaking the Code.
NeutralBreaking the Code
Start Frankal Stonebridge
End Frankal Stonebridge
Level 15-30
Category Silithus
Experience 10,550
Reputation +500 Cenarion Circle
Rewards 1g 70s
Previous N [15-30] Dearest Natalia
Next N [15-30] Unraveling the Mystery


Obtain an intact Hive'Regal Silithid Brain from any silithid in Hive'Regal.


I think I can formulate an elixir that will allow us to more readily decipher the glyphs and language of the silithid and Qiraji!

What do I need? Glad you asked! I need brains!

Normally I'd need a brain from each silithid type that inhabit the hives. Another brave explorer brought me two of 'em here... and never came back from Hive'Regal.

Bring me back a silithid brain from Hive'Regal... and be careful not to end up like him!


You will receive:


Go play with the monkey, kid. I don't have time for this.


Outstanding! Don't wander off too far, kid. We might need you to take on another task or two.


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