Break the Storm

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NeutralBreak the Storm
Level 58-60
Category Dracthyr, Awaken
Race IconSmall Dracthyr Male.gifIconSmall Dracthyr Female.gif Dracthyr
Class Evoker Evoker
Experience 7,900
Rewards 25g 74s
Shareable Yes
Next N IconSmall Dracthyr Male.gifIconSmall Dracthyr Female.gif Evoker [58-60] The Ebon Scales


Overload the Ritual.

  • Counter-Ritual complete


According to my calculations, if we inject a direct ley energy current through the ritual anchors utilizing the beacon as a focus it should pop the Primalist ritual's containment now that you weakened the edges. They rely on alternating currents of magic for their ritual so this will be like flooding their receptors so long as our output exceeds their ritual's input capacitance- ...Evoker? Still listening? Sorry. Just channel a really potent disintegrate into the beacon to overload the Primalist rit[sic]


You will receive:

  • 25g 74s
  • 7,900 XP


  1. N IconSmall Dracthyr Male.gifIconSmall Dracthyr Female.gif Evoker [58-60] Stormsunder Crater & N IconSmall Dracthyr Male.gifIconSmall Dracthyr Female.gif Evoker [58-60] Cavalry Has Its Place
  2. N IconSmall Dracthyr Male.gifIconSmall Dracthyr Female.gif Evoker [58-60] Tangle with the Tarasek, N IconSmall Dracthyr Male.gifIconSmall Dracthyr Female.gif Evoker [58-60] Conjured Army, N IconSmall Dracthyr Male.gifIconSmall Dracthyr Female.gif Evoker [58-60] The Primalists
  3. N IconSmall Dracthyr Male.gifIconSmall Dracthyr Female.gif Evoker [58-60] The Ebon Scales
  4. N IconSmall Dracthyr Male.gifIconSmall Dracthyr Female.gif Evoker [58-60] Rally to Emberthal

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