Break in Communications: Dreadwatch Outpost

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HordeBreak in Communications: Dreadwatch Outpost
Start Forward Commander Onslaught
End Automatic
Level 5-30
Category Ruins of Gilneas
Experience 1250
Reputation +350 Undercity
Previous H [5-30] In Time, All Will Be Revealed
Losing Ground
H [5-30] The F.C.D.
Next H [5-30] Break in Communications: Rutsak's Guard


Investigate Dreadwatch Outpost.

  • Investigate Dreadwatch Outpost.


I'm not gonna lie to you, <name>. What I'm about to ask you to do is suicide. Chance of failure is about 95%.

All communication from Dreadwatch Outpost has been severed. With the worgen constantly rushing us we have no means by which to get to Dreadwatch to check on our soldiers. I need you to head south to the outpost and check on our soldiers. I'll keep in contact through the Forsaken communication device - F.C.D. - from here on out.





Forward Commander Onslaught
Dreadwatch was our most fortified outpost.

<The F.C.D. crackles with static.>

Dreadwatch is lost? This is bad, <name>. Real bad.

If Dreadwatch is compromised it means we've lost Gilneas City.


Optional breadcrumb: H [5-30] Warchief's Command: Silverpine Forest!

  1. H [5-30] The Warchief Cometh
  2. H [5-30] Guts and Gore
    Side quests: H [5-30] The Gilneas Liberation Front / H [5-30] Agony Abounds
  3. H [5-30] Iterating Upon Success
  4. H [5-30] Dangerous Intentions
  5. H [5-30] Waiting to Exsanguinate
  6. H [5-30] Belmont's Report
  7. H [5-30] The Warchief's Fleet
  8. H [5-30] Steel Thunder & H [5-30] Give 'em Hell!
    Side quest chain:
    1. H [5-30] Playing Dirty
    2. H [5-30] It's Only Poisonous if You Ingest It
  9. H [5-30] Lost in the Darkness
    1. H [5-30] Skitterweb Menace
    2. H [5-30] Deeper into Darkness
  10. H [5-30] Orcs are in Order
  11. H [5-30] Rise, Forsaken
  12. H [5-30] No Escape
  13. H [5-30] Lordaeron
  14. H [5-30] Honor the Dead
    1. H [5-30] Reinforcements from Fenris
    2. H [5-30] The Waters Run Red...
    • Worgen assassins quests:
    1. H [5-30] Excising the Taint
    2. H [5-30] Seek and Destroy
    3. H [5-30] Cornered and Crushed!
    4. H [5-30] Nowhere to Run
  15. H [5-30] To Forsaken Forward Command
  16. H [5-30] In Time, All Will Be Revealed & H [5-30] Losing Ground & H [5-30] The F.C.D.
  17. H [5-30] Break in Communications: Dreadwatch Outpost
  18. H [5-30] Break in Communications: Rutsak's Guard
  19. H [5-30] Vengeance for Our Soldiers & H [5-30] On Whose Orders?
  20. H [5-30] What Tomorrow Brings
  21. H [5-30] Fall Back!
  22. H [5-30] A Man Named Godfrey & H [5-30] Resistance is Futile
  23. H [5-30] The Great Escape
  24. H [5-30] Rise, Godfrey
  25. H [5-30] Breaking the Barrier & H [5-30] Unyielding Servitors
  26. H [5-30] Dalar Dawnweaver
  27. H [5-30] Relios the Relic Keeper
    Side quests: H [5-30] Practical Vengeance & H [5-30] Ley Energies
  28. H [5-30] Only One May Enter
  29. H [5-30] Transdimensional Warfare: Chapter I & H [5-30] A Wolf in Bear's Clothing
  30. H [5-30] Transdimensional Warfare: Chapter II
  31. H [5-30] Transdimensional Warfare: Chapter III
  32. H [5-30] Taking the Battlefront
  33. H [5-30] Pyrewood's Fall & H [5-30] Lessons in Fear & H [5-30] Of No Consequence
  34. H [5-30] 7th Legion Battle Plans & H [5-30] Sowing Discord
  35. H [5-30] On Her Majesty's Secret Service
  36. H [5-30] Cities in Dust

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