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Image of Braxxus
Race Fel beast (Demon)
Level    Retail: 20-30 Elite
Classic: 72 Elite
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Forge Camp: Wrath or Forge Camp: Terror, Blade's Edge Mountains
Status Killable

Braxxus is a fel beast that can be summoned from Fel Crystal Prisms in Forge Camp: Wrath and Forge Camp: Terror in the Blade's Edge Mountains.


  • Spell fire fire.png Double Breath — Inflicts Fire damage to enemies in a cone in front of the caster.
  • Ability druid disembowel.png Mangle — Inflicts 1 damage to an enemy every 2 sec. and slows its movement by 50% for 20 sec.
  • Spell shadow deathscream.png Panic — Panics nearby enemies, causing them to flee in fear for 3 sec.


Objective of


  • As I shall consume your flesh, so too shall the Burning Legion consume your people!
  • Eager to die, are we?
  • I am older than you can fathom. Show some respect!
  • I will make your death a quick one, <name>.
  • May whatever god you believe in have mercy on you. For I will show you none.
  • You dare summon me? Your insolence will be punished.
  • Your death is at hand, <name>. Savor these last moments.

Patch changes

External links