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Brawl'gar Arena Grunt

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HordeBrawl'gar Arena Grunt
Image of Brawl'gar Arena Grunt
Gender Both
Race Orc (Humanoid)
Level 70 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Orgrimmar, Brawl'gar Arena
Occupation Grunt
Location Brawl'gar Arena

Brawl'gar Arena Grunts is an orc located in Brawl'gar Arena. To start a fight in the arena, speak with them.



You want to fight? Come back when you're a bit stronger.

You're welcome to watch, though.

Finish the season as highest rank

There aren't any more challengers who want to fight you, <name>. You're just too damned good.

You still want a fight? Go pick up a challenge card and talk to me again.


Stub.png Please add any available information to this section.

Blood and honor, <class>.
Let me know if you want to brawl, <race>.
Speak with a guard if you wish to fight, <class>.
You fighting today, <class>?

Patch changes

External links