Borrowed Bombs

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AllianceBorrowed Bombs
Start Alton Redding
End Alton Redding
Level 15-30
Category Felwood
Experience 8,150 XP
Reputation +250 rep with Gilneas
Rewards  [Irontree Cloak]
 [Oilfoot Slippers]
 [Alton's Leggings]
 [Breastplate of Protest]
1g 40s
Previous A [15-30] The Shredders of Irontree
Next A [15-30] Burnout & A [15-30] Bloody Wages


Collect 8 Irontree Explosives from Irontree Cavern.


The workers in Irontree Cavern below us have been driven out already. Something else has overtaken the cave.

This works in our favor. I spotted at least a few of them dropping explosives as they fled... explosives we'll need for the next part of our plan.

Enter the cave and salvage any abandoned bombs you can find. When you're finished with that and the pump, we'll begin our final assault.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Inv misc cape 09.png [Irontree Cloak] Inv boots cloth 35v2.png [Oilfoot Slippers]
Inv pants leather 40v1.png [Alton's Leggings] Inv chest mail 20v3.png [Breastplate of Protest]

You will also receive:


Was I right? How many did you find?


Perfect. I've had the pack gather explosives from the rest of the camp as well, and with these, we'll have just enough to get things started once the oil is flowing.


  1. A [15-30] Enemy at our Roots & A [15-30] Wisps of the Woods
  2. A [15-30] Into the Clearing
  3. A [15-30] The Shredders of Irontree
  4. A [15-30] Borrowed Bombs & A [15-30] Oil and Irony
  5. A [15-30] Bloody Wages & A [15-30] Burnout
  6. A [15-30] Report to the Denmother
  7. A [15-30] The Timbermaw Tribe (optional breadcrumb to Timbermaw Hold)

Patch changes

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