Body Count

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NecrolordBody Count
Start Fixer Bixie
End Fixer Bixie
Level 60 (Requires 60)
Type Daily
Category Maldraxxus
Rewards 3x [Grateful Offering]
25g 74s


Collect 30 abomination parts from around Maldraxxus.


I am acquainted with a few fleshcrafters who work outside of the House of Constructs. If we can find reagents for them, they can supply our war effort with constructs.

The House of Constructs has plenty of excess body parts. Find them and bring them back here.


You will receive:

One from potential rewards:

  • X Anima item (35)


We'll take any quality of parts you can find.


I will give these to the fleshcrafters. If we don't have enough soldiers, we will just have to build some.

Patch changes

External links