Bloodpetal Sprouts

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AllianceBloodpetal Sprouts
Start Muigin
End Muigin
Level 53 (Requires 47)
Category Un'Goro Crater
Experience 2350
Previous A [52] Haze of Evil


Collect 3 Bloodpetal Sprouts for Muigin.


Here's the plan, <name>: Go out and collect some bloodpetal sprouts—you know, the plants that haven't fully sprouted yet, and bring them here. Then I'll see what the Atal'ai haze can do.

You may think I'm vengeful... Actually, you'd be right about that!

Truth is, I know the way out of here, but until Larion will admit that I'm right, I'm staying right here!

So off with you, find those bloodpetal sprouts and let's have some fun!


Here goes nothing, <name>! This will get Larion's attention!


  • The sprouts can be found all over Un'Goro. They look like a little green ball on the ground, and can be tracked with Find Herbs.


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