Blood Oath of Lokra

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HordeBlood Oath of Lokra
Start Automatic
End Lokra
Level 92 (Requires 90)
Category Frostfire Ridge
Experience 13,970
Rewards 12g 20s


Accept the Blood Oath of Blademaster Na'Shra.


You have done me a great service. This blade is as much yours as it is mine.

I offer you this blood oath: I shall serve your cause and lend my knowledge of blades and mining to your forces.

Will you accept it?


You will receive:

  • 12g 20s
  • 13,970 XP


Commander <name>, Your mastery over the battlefield is astounding. If my people are to survive the coming conflict we will need more of our own people skilled in such warfare.

If you will have me, I would like to join your forces for a time. I wish to learn from you so that I might teach others in my clan.

Will you accept my axe?

Patch changes

External links