Blades in the Dark

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NeutralBlades in the Dark
Start Talonpriest Zellek [44.5, 24.0]
End Talonpriest Zellek [44.5, 24.0]
Level 30-40
Category Spires of Arak
Experience 14500
Reputation +250 Arakkoa Outcasts
Rewards 13g 80s
Previous N [30-40] Behind the Veil
Next N [30-40] Back from Beyond, N [30-40] Power Unearthed


Slay Malrok Thornscar in Veil Akraz.


Those orcs got hold of Ishaal's orb, did they? That would explain the dangerous-looking fellow who crossed into this realm shortly before you.

Not everyone handles the transition as... gracefully as you did. The oaf is still grappling with his own mind, stumbling about and muttering nonsense.

Soon he will be drawn to the orb again, which would presumably lead him to Veil Terokk.

Better to take him out now while he's still befuddled.


You will receive:


Put the poor fool down before he hurts somebody.


He was a big boy, wasn't he? The fiends will make quite a feast of him.


Pick up N [30-40] A Feast of Shadows before heading out.

Head southwest, killing flesh beasts and shape-shifting shades along the way, to reach where Malrok Thornscar is wandering about, dazed and confused. Make sure to drag the non-named mobs out of the purple circles, as they will heal when standing inside the circle.


  1. N [30-40] Return to Veil Terokk
  2. N [30-40] Last of the Talonpriests
  3. N [30-40] Ishaal's Orb
  4. N [30-40] Behind the Veil
  5. Complete both:
  6. N [30-40] Back from Beyond

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