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Not to be confused with Blackthorn.
For the game, see Blizzard Classic Arcade § Blackthorne.
Image of Blackthorne
Race Ravager wasp (Beast)
Level 10-60 Rare
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Deathmist Hills, Tiragarde Sound
Status Killable

Blackthorne is a ravager wasp vignette located in Deathmist Hills in Tiragarde Sound.


  • Spell nature insect swarm2.png Buzzing Frenzy — The caster bites and stings in a frenzy increasing haste by 20% and damage done by 20%.
  • Spell nature nullifypoison.png Fatal Sting — The caster inflicts Nature damage every 2 sec. for 8 sec, injuring itself in the process. This injury enrages the caster, causing it to inflict more damage as well.
  • Ability creature poison 03.png Sting — The caster stings its current target inflicting Nature damage and poisoning the target inflicting Nature damage every 1 sec. for 5 sec.


Blackthorne drops the following notable loot:
Inv firearm 2h vulperapirate d 01.png [Vlaros Corps Rifle] Inv smallazeriteshard.png [Small Azerite Shard]

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