Black Rook Invasion

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NeutralBlack Rook Invasion
Start Automatic
End Automatic
Level 100 - 110 (Requires 98)
Category Val'sharah
Experience 14,800
Reputation +150 Dreamweavers
Rewards 19g 40s
Next N [102] Unused - The Fish Must Flow


Kill 7 Black Rook Assassins in Bradensbrook.


Once, this area was peaceful and prosperous. Then we saw the first bad omens: strange ailments, spoiled crops, and the like. Now ghosts attack us from that castle across the river, and undead assassins slay our fishers so as to cut off the village's food supply.

We're the last family living this close to the castle, but we daren't retreat: this river is the best route for fishers to bring their hauls in to town. Please, will you take the fight to these undead?


You will receive: 19g 40s



  1. N [100 - 110] Black Rook Invasion
  2. N [102] Unused - The Fish Must Flow

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