Beached Sea Creature (4)

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AllianceBeached Sea Creature
Start Beached Sea Creature
End Gwennyth Bly'Leggonde
Level 19 (Requires 17)
Category Darkshore
Experience 725 XP
Reputation +75 Darnassus


Take the Sea Creature Bones to Gwennyth Bly'Leggonde in Auberdine.


The remains of what appear to be a giant thresher have washed ashore on the rocky inlet of the Twilight Shore. The thresher is several times larger than any of the other threshers spotted in these parts. Wherever it came from, this creature would not seem to have been native to Darkshore.

Though the creature has been picked apart in places, enough of it remains to gather a suitable sample for Gwennyth Bly'Leggonde in Auberdine.


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Thanks be to Elune - I am glad to see you again, dear <name>. The Temple of the Moon's work on the strange beaching phenomena continues here in Darkshore. Might you have anything additional to offer us?


The dimensions of the thresher you mention are mind-boggling. Even the eldest of the threshers in this region grow to only a fraction of that size. While some larger ones were known to be close to Teldrassil, their numbers have declined steadily. I cannot help but wonder if these creatures beaching themselves here are somehow related to this.

While we analyze the bones you have brought us, please accept this on behalf of the Temple of the Moon. Thank you, <name>.

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