Battlefield Genius

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  • Battlefield Genius
  • Allies within 40 yards of the Priestess of the Moon gain 100% increased health and 50% increased damage.

    These values are increased by each living Keeper of the Grove in the Priestess's army, each one granting 100% increased health and 50% increased damage.

Battlefield Inspiration is a world buff that is applied to all players who are within 40 yards of a faction leader, Alliance Felore Moonray or Horde Kazragore, in the Battle for Ashenvale.

Upon moving more than 40 yards away from the leader, the buff is removed.

Patch changes

Other versions

  • Horde

    • Battlefield Genius
    • Allies within 40 yards of the Far Seer gain 100% increased health and 50% increased damage.

      These values are increased by each living Blade Master in the Far Seer's army, each one granting 100% increased health and 50% increased damage.

External links

Alliance Horde