Battle for Azeroth Expansion Features/Allied Races

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This article is a copy of "Allied Races" an official article by Blizzard Entertainment. It overviewed the new Allied Races added in Battle for Azeroth.


Allied Races

Venture forth as one of the new playable Allied Races in Battle for Azeroth. Earn the respect of the Nightborne, Lightforged draenei, and other noble allies, and you’ll unlock the ability to create new prestige characters of that race.

Once you've recruited an Allied Race, you can rediscover Azeroth through a revamped leveling experience featuring zones that scale as your character grows in power. Create a new character and complete the full leveling experience to earn a distinctive Heritage Armor set—a lasting symbol of your dedication.

Horde Highmountain Tauren

Descended from Huln, brave hero of the War of the Ancients, the Highmountain tauren honor the spirits of earth, river, and sky. Though the Legion invaded their lands and sowed seeds of distrust between them, the tribes of Highmountain stand united once more. At long last they are ready to venture beyond their sacred mountain and stand beside their kin from Kalimdor, lending their nobility and strength to the mighty Horde.

Alliance Lightforged Draenei

For untold millennia, the Army of the Light waged war against the Burning Legion throughout the Twisting Nether. The draenei most committed to their long crusade would undergo a ritual to become Lightforged, infusing their bodies with the very essence of the Holy Light. After finally achieving victory on Argus, the Lightforged draenei have undertaken a new mission: protecting Azeroth from rising threats and helping the Alliance push back against Horde aggression.

Horde Nightborne

Isolated behind a protective barrier for 10,000 years, the elves of Suramar grew increasingly dependent upon the arcane magic of the Nightwell. To protect this font of power, the leaders of the Nightborne struck a bargain with the Burning Legion that plunged their kingdom into civil war. After fighting for freedom from their demonic masters, the Nightborne seek allies in the Horde to help them reclaim their place in the world.

Alliance Void Elves

Many have sought to harness the corruptive magic of the Void. Most who tried have fallen into madness. Determined to use this power for the good of Azeroth, Alleria Windrunner is the first mortal to succeed at defying the shadow's whispers. Coming to the aid of a group of her kin who nearly gave in to the darkness, Alleria has vowed to train these Void Elves to control the shadows within them and pledge their newfound powers to the Alliance.

Bolster Your Ranks

Coming in Battle for Azeroth

Even more allies await in unexplored lands, and as you adventure you’ll encounter potential allies that you can recruit to your cause. When Battle for Azeroth launches, you'll begin your journey to recruit the fierce Dark Iron dwarves for the Alliance and the savage Mag’har orcs for the Horde. Earn their trust, and fortify your faction's armies.

Alliance Dark Iron Dwarves

Known for their fiery tempers and fierce determination, Dark Iron dwarves have a turbulent history with the other clans. A failed coup in Ironforge ignited the War of the Three Hammers, and many of the Dark Iron once fought in the service of Ragnaros the Firelord. Though one faction of the dwarves is pledged to Queen-Regent Moira Thaurissan, others refuse to stand alongside their kin. The Alliance seeks a united Dark Iron clan to harness the power of Azerite and aid their struggle against the Horde.

Horde Mag'har Orcs

For untold generations, the orc clans of Draenor battled one another in endless war. But when Gul'dan offered them the blood of his demonic masters, the disparate tribes of Mag'har—the orcish word for "uncorrupted"—refused the dark bargain and banded together to drive out the Burning Legion. In the aftermath of the fall of Hellfire Citadel, the Mag'har pledged to one day repay Azeroth's heroes for aiding their cause. As war against the Alliance intensifies, the Horde must call upon the might of the Mag'har to seize victory.

Zandalari Trolls and Kul Tiran Humans

Prepare for War

At the heart of Battle for Azeroth lies the efforts of the Alliance and Horde to win the allegiance of the Kul Tiran and Zandalari people, respectively. As the War Campaign unfolds across content updates and patches, the ultimate objective of those efforts will be to recruit these two naval superpowers and thus unlock these Allied Races. Keep an eye on this page for more information!
