Batteries Not Yet Included

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AllianceBatteries Not Yet Included
Start Mizzy Pistonhammer
End Mizzy Pistonhammer
Level 10-30
Category Southern Barrens
Experience 1,400
Reputation +250 Gnomeregan
Rewards  [Far-a-Day Mesh]
or  [Thunderhead Kid Gloves]
or  [Mizzy's Dungarees]
or  [Pistonhammer Gun]
or  [Mizzy's Gauntlets]
Previous A [10-30] Powder Play


Acquire a Humming Electrogizard from a Thunderhead in Southern Barrens.


Okay! Using the spare parts you've found for me, I've got a framework roughed out for my versatile new assault vehicle. All I need now is a compact power supply.

I've noticed that the indigenous wildlife here packs quite the punch, electrostatically speaking. Can you hunt down Thunderheads near the base here and get me an intact electrogizard? It might take a few kills to find a usable gland.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Inv chest mail 19v1.png [Far-a-Day Mesh] Inv gauntlets 116v2.png [Thunderhead Kid Gloves]
Inv pants cloth 39v3.png [Mizzy's Dungarees] Inv firearm 2h rifle cataclysm b 01.png [Pistonhammer Gun]
Inv gauntlets 116v2.png [Mizzy's Gauntlets]

You will also receive:


It must be an enormous evolutionary advantage to be able to shoot lightning. From your face.


<The gizard shocks Mizzy as you hand it over, blasting her to the ground.>

Oh, OH! That's nasty! I love it!


On completion
Mizzy Pistonhammer says: Thank you, <name>! Now I can begin my final assembly...
Mizzy builds a microtank, and a Siege Tank Engineer approaches her.
Mizzy Pistonhammer says: Okay... structure? Check. Power? Check. Danger? Double-check. Let's fire up my masterpiece!
Siege Tank Engineer says: Hmmmm... aye. But it's a wee bit - uh - wee, innit?
Mizzy Pistonhammer says: Nonsense! Miniaturization is the future of warfare.
The engineer hops in the tank, but crashes it into a nearby scaffolding, killing three Peasant Laborers as the tank explodes. The engineer is Dizzy and despawns.
Mizzy Pistonhammer says: I should mention I reversed the gearbox to accommodate the smaller form-factor.


  1. A [10-30] Meet Me at Triumph (from Forward Command)
    1. A [10-30] Working the Bugs Out
    2. A [10-30] Firestone Point (breadcrumb to Firestone Point)
    1. A [10-30] Pick-a-Part
    2. A [10-30] Powder Play
    3. A [10-30] Batteries Not Yet Included
  2. A [10-30] Report to Twinbraid (breadcrumb to Bael Modan)

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