Battered Red Drake

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NeutralBattered Red Drake
Image of Battered Red Drake
Race Red drake (Dragonkin)
Level 85 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Red dragonflight
Location Grim Batol
Vehicle This creature can be mounted.

Battered Red Drakes are red drakes located in Grim Batol.


  • Ability mage firestarter.png Engulfing Flames 100 yd range — The Red Drake shoots a wall of flame that inflicts 7556 to 7944 Fire damage. Instant cast.


On mount
  • Welcome, friend. Let's ride through Grim Batol and strike a blow against Deathwing that he won't soon forget!
  • Champions, hold on while I fly you back to the Scarred Terrace!
On dismount
  • Hope you enjoyed the ride, i'm out!

Patch changes

External links