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Batrider Swales

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HordeBatrider Swales
No image available
Gender Male
Race Forsaken (Humanoid)
Level 120
Class Rogue
Reaction Alliance
Occupation Bat rider
Location Proudmoore Academy, Boralus
Status Killable

Batrider Swales is a Forsaken located at Proudmoore Academy in Boralus. He attacks the capital during A [50WQ] Defending the Academy.


  • Ability rogue shadowstep.png Shadowstep — Attempts to step through the shadows and reappear behind your enemy.
  • Ability rogue smoke.png Smoke Bomb — Throws a smoke bomb at the caster's feet, causing most melee, ranged and spells to miss.

Objective of

He counts towards finishing A [50WQ] Defending the Academy during the world quest.

Patch changes

External links