Basic Skulltaking

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HordeBasic Skulltaking
Start Grulkor [54.4, 66.6]
End Grulkor [57.2, 61.8]
Level 15-40
Category Gorgrond
Experience 14100
Rewards 18g 90s
Previous H [15-40] Skulltakers in Crimson Fen
Next H [15-40] Clearing the Way, H [15-40] The Secret of the Fungus


Take the skulls from 5 dead Skulltakers.


My hunters are all dead, you will be my hunting pack now.

Find their bodies and take their skulls. I will choose which to honor and which to cast aside. It is our way.

I will go further and see what other skulls may be found here.


You will receive: 18g 90s


Afraid to get your hands dirty? They are just bodies now, no need to be scared.


This red slime covers everything, even the skulls of my hunters! I'll make a Skulltaker of you yet though, great work!


  • 14100 XP


Head south into the Crimson Fen. Just inside the quest area, look for a Dying Skulltaker, who starts H [15-40] Skulltaker's Revenge. Pick it up and kill a Fungal Lurcher, which will drop a  [Glowing Red Pod]. That pod starts H [15-40] Mysterious Pod.


  1. A [15-40] Rangari in the Red / H [15-40] Skulltakers in Crimson Fen
  2. Complete all of:
  3. Complete both:
  4. Complete both:
  5. B [15-40] Heart of the Fen

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