Scout Forensics

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AllianceScout Forensics

Dead Rangari
Start Khaano [59.3, 56.4]
End Khaano [58.3, 59.9]
Level 15-40
Category Gorgrond
Experience 15800
Rewards 12g 60s
Previous A [15-40] Rangari in the Red
Next A [15-40] Mercy for the Living, A [15-40] The Secret of the Fungus


Collect 5 Rangari Pouches from dead Rangari.


My entire squad is gone. Some are dead; that much is obvious. The others though... they must be further in.

Go and search the bodies of my squad that you find, each will carry a small pouch of personal items. I would like to return these to their families.

I will go ahead and meet you inside the marsh.


You will receive:

  • 12g 60s
  • 15800 XP


The families of my squad need closure and we need more information on their deaths.


Thank you for doing this <name>. Hopefully they can be cleaned of these foul spores that coat everything here.


Head south into the Crimson Fen. Just inside the quest area, look for a Dying Rangari, who starts A [15-40] Vengeance for the Fallen. Pick it up and kill a Fungal Lurcher, which will drop a  [Glowing Red Pod]. That pod starts A [15-40] Mysterious Pod.

On accept
Khaano says: Quickly now. I have a bad feeling about all this...


  1. A [15-40] Rangari in the Red / H [15-40] Skulltakers in Crimson Fen
  2. Complete all of:
  3. Complete both:
  4. Complete both:
  5. B [15-40] Heart of the Fen

Patch changes

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