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For other uses, see Barry (disambiguation).
Image of Barry
Title <Beekeeper>
Gender Male
Race Human (Humanoid)
Level 30-60
Reaction Alliance
Location Mariner's Strand (outside Mildenhall Meadery), Stormsong Valley

Barry is a human beekeeper located by the farmhouse of Mildenhall Meadery in Stormsong Valley. He presumably works for the Mildenhall family.

While he likes bees, he ironically is allergic to them.


Inv gizmo newgoggles.png [Beeholder's Goggles]
Inv staff 2h butterflynet a 01.png [Butterfly Net]
Inv drink waterskin 12.png [Rockskip Mineral Water]
2g 50s
Inv misc food 09.png [Seafarer's Biscuit]
2g 50s
Inv misc volatileair.png [Summit Zephyr]

Objective of

Removed from game The subject of this section did not make it out of the PTR stages.

  • A Defender Emerges
  • A New Queen
  • A Royal Awakening
  • Defender of the Hive
  • One of the Hive
  • The Usurper


Main article: Honeyback Hive#Finding the hive


After finding the hive

They've certainly made themselves at home, haven't they?

Now then. I'm sure you have questions. Ol' Barry here is happy to answer!

What can I help you with?

Gossip Tell me about the Hivemother.

Every hive has its queen, you see. She is responsible for the hive's growth. All of these bees are her children.
By the looks of it, she's all by herself. Ordinarily there's a young hivemother among the larvae. Might explain why she's so protective.
Gossip I see.

Gossip Tell me about the Harvesters.

Oh, the little yellow ones?
Aye, they're the sweetest of bees. Their whole lives revolve around flowers and honey and caring for the hive. Blessedly simple creatures, harvesters, but they make up for it in other ways.
Never had a harvester sting me. Not once!
They might even let you pet their fuzzy little thoraxes if you treat them right.
<Barry sighs happily.>
Gossip I see.

Gossip Tell me about the Guardians.

Well, the name has some implications, doesn't it?
Guardians are the first to attack and the last to ask questions before doing it. They are fierce protectors of the hive and will selflessly sacrifice themselves if need be. There's something to be said about that kind of loyalty.
Tides help you if you get on the wrong side of a guardian, though. They have a tendency to call the rest of the hive to swarm their foes.
Nasty way to go.
But hey, they're red, so they're easy to spot. Just give them their space.
Gossip I see.

Gossip What do you know about raising bees?

Enough to know that they do most of the work themselves.
Give them plenty of jelly to eat, leave them to their devices, and eventually they'll crawl from the soup and start flying about. Really quite fascinating.
From there, these bees grow incredibly fast. They have to, given how large they get! It takes a substantial quantity of jelly to grow one of these to their full size.
Gossip What is jelly?
Ah, right.
Jelly is what the bees make from all the pollen they gather from flowers. Some of it is used to make honey, but the rest is used to feed the hive.
They have to make quite a lot to feed a hive this size, so I wouldn't be surprised if they have little deposits of the stuff all over Stormsong by now.
I'm willing to bet if you bring it back here, the Hivemother would be very happy with you. Saves her brood some work.
Gossip I see.
Gossip I see.

Buy Do you have any extra supplies?


Some people like dogs, or cats, or horses.

Me? I like bees.

Shame about that allergy, though.


  • His voice is that of a normal-sized Kul Tiran human, instead of the larger ones, despite being large himself.

Patch changes

External links