Baradin Grunt

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HordeBaradin Grunt
Image of Baradin Grunt
Gender Male
Race Orc (Humanoid)
Level 85
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Orgrimmar, Hellscream's Reach
Occupation Grunt
Location Western Earthshrine, Orgrimmar; Baradin Hold, Tol Barad

Two Baradin Grunts are accompanying Zugra Flamefist in the Western Earthshrine in Orgrimmar. Several can also be found near Baradin Hold when the island is controlled by the Horde.


After a Horde victory in Tol Barad, one of them will yell out the following:

  • Victory in Tol Barad is ours! While the Alliance offensive is crippled, we need your immediate efforts to gather resources and secure the island!

Patch changes

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