Balnir Snapdragons

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Balnir Snapdragons

The Balnir Snapdragons can be found in flower boxes around the Balnir Farmstead in eastern Tirisfal Glades.[77.5, 62.2]


These flowers were the pride and joy of Vara Balnir.[1] After murdering his father and returning to the Balnir Farmstead to resurrect Invincible, Prince Arthas noticed that although the Balnir family were all dead, Vara's snapdragons were in full bloom. He reached out to touch them, but changed his mind when he remembered that his undead state caused plants to wilt at his touch.[2]

Since snapdragons are highly receptive to magic energies, Anastasia Hartwell sent adventurers to gather some of the flowers so that the apothecaries could study them and determine whether or not corruption from the Plaguelands had spread into Tirisfal.[3]

As a quest objective

This item is an objective of H Mage [10] The Balnir Farmstead.

Patch changes


External links

Item Object