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The Balnirs were a family of human farmers and horse-breeders who lived at the Balnir Farmstead in the Tirisfal Glades. Their farmstead, among others, was known for breeding the great white horses of Lordaeron that were regularly bought as mounts by the royal household, including Invincible (the steed of Prince Arthas Menethil) and Reverence (the steed of King Anduin Wrynn of Stormwind).[1][2]

Arathorian settlers began establishing farmsteads in Tirisfal during Arathor's expansion around 2,700 BDP.[3] Around 1,200 BDP, immigrant noble families from Strom used their wealth to buy up large plots of land developed by earlier settlers in Tirisfal, including the Balnir family.[4]

During Arthas Menethil's childhood, he often visited the Balnirs to play with their son Jarim.[1] Years later, on the day that Capital City fell in the Scourging of Lordaeron, the Scourge attacked the farmstead and killed the entire family.[5]

