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Image of Baedos
Race Terrapin (Beast)
Level 10-53 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Alliance Horde
Location Firstborne's Bounty, Bastion[51.35, 40.8]
Status Defeatable

Baedos is a large terrapin located in Firstborne's Bounty in Bastion. Its event is started at Baedos' Fruit Barrel. When enough Cask of Fermenting Purian Fruit are placed before it, the turtle will eat the fruits and get indigestion. After being beaten to around 30% health, it will regugitate a treasure chest and go to sleep.


  • Ability creature poison 02.png Expel Gas — Inflicts 20 Nature damage to all enemies behind the caster. Knocks all enemies behind the caster back.
  • Ability vehicle shellshieldgenerator.png Shell Shield — Reduces damage taken by 75%.
  • Ability hunter pet turtle.png Snapping Bite — Deals Physical damage.
  • Ability monk jadeserpentbreath.png Wretched Belch — Baedos' belches toxic Purian gas, inflicting 5 Nature damage to all players in front of them every 0.5 sec. and poisoning players hit.
  • Ability monk jadeserpentbreath.png Wretched Belch — Inflicts 3 Nature damage to all enemies in front of the caster every 1.5 sec for 15 sec.
  • Indigestion

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