Back in the Fight

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AllianceBack in the Fight
Start Tolliver Houndstooth
End Tolliver Houndstooth
Level 10-30
Category Southern Barrens
Experience 1,400
Reputation +250 Gilneas
Rewards 20s
Previous A [10-30] Langridge Shot
Next A [10-30] Silencing Rageroar


Use the Herb-Soaked Bandages on 6 Wounded Defenders.


This fight isn't over, <class>. Not by a long shot.

Some of the soldiers in the courtyard still have breath in their lungs. We can save them! I've soaked these rags in an herbal remedy we used to rely on back in Gilneas. The smell is awful but this poultice can practically raise the dead.

Use these bandages on wounded defenders down in the courtyard and we'll see if we can't get them back in the fight.


You will receive:


I hope you have enough bandages. My supply of those herbs was cut off when these brutes sacked my beloved Gilneas.


A steady stream of the walking wounded have come up the hill to see me, <name>. I trust that was your work? Well done!


Healing the wounded
  • Wounded Defender says: Can't ... give up...
  • Wounded Defender says: I think I can limp back to the fortress...
  • Wounded Defender says: Orcs and trolls! Everywhere!
  • Wounded Defender says: Thank you - this was turning into a massacre...
  • Wounded Defender says: These bandages reek! I guess I shouldn't complain.
  • Wounded Defender says: Why do these bandages smell like wet dog?


  1. A [10-30] Survey the Destruction or A [10-30] Hero's Call: Southern Barrens! (breadcrumbs)
  2. A [10-30] The Admiral Won't Back Down or A [10-30] Report to Aubrey
  3. A [10-30] Repel Boarders!
  4. A [10-30] The Guns of Northwatch
    • Second chain:
    1. A [10-30] Langridge Shot
    2. A [10-30] Re-Take the Courtyard and A [10-30] Back in the Fight
    3. A [10-30] Silencing Rageroar and A [10-30] Lifting the Siege
  5. A [10-30] Run Out the Guns
  6. A [10-30] Teegan's Troubles (breadcrumb to Teegan's Expedition)

Patch changes

External links