Back Under Cover (Horde)

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Elemental Unrest
The subject of this article or section was part of the Elemental Unrest, a world event that heralded the beginning of the earth-shattering Cataclysm.
HordeBack Under Cover
Start Blood Guard Torek [52.8, 72.5]
End Overseer Jintak [48.2, 16.9]
Level 80 (Requires 5)
Category Cataclysm
Rewards 13g 23s
Previous H [80] Arrest the Infiltrators
Next H [80] I Said the Words...
For the Alliance version of this quest, see A [80] Back Under Cover.


Put on your Recruit's Robe, go to the Jaggedswine Farm and get the Book of Incantations from Overseer Jintak. Read from the Book of Incantations near the Cultist Altar to practice the ritual.


The cultists seem assured of their victory, although we have captured many of them. We must find out more about the ritual mentioned by the cultist you questioned.

These rituals must be the core of their plans to attack Orgrimmar.

Take one of the robes from the arrested cultists; it's not like they're going to need them anymore. Put it on and go back to the cultist outpost at the Jaggedswine Farm in Durotar and see what you can learn about these rituals and their place in the cult's plans.


You will receive: 13g 23s (at 80)


It's good to see you again, <name>. We were worried that the tyrant the Warchief might have gotten his hands on you.


You need to familiarize yourself with the portal ritual quickly. We've sent dozens of brothers into the city, but only so many can evade capture. We're relying on you, <name>.


Back down to the Jaggedswine Farm. Make sure to put on the Recruit's Robe before speaking with Jintak.

We're glad to see you here again, <name>. With so many of our brethren seized by the Warchief's forces, we thought we'd never see you again.

Gossip It's good to be back, overseer. I want to help carry out the ritual.

We were afraid you'd been caught, but I wouldn't think of leaving you out of the portal ritual.
Take this book and practice the ritual. It must be performed perfectly, or else the elementals will not leave the portals at the proper time.

Head east to the altar at [49.6, 16.4] and practice using the book.

Ancients of fire and earth, I have prepared the way for you. Come forth and raze Orgrimmar.


  1. B [80] Show Me Your Papers
  2. B [80] Arrest the Infiltrators
  3. B [80] Back Under Cover
  4. B [80] I Said the Words...

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