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Azsh'ari Leviathan

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MobAzsh'ari Leviathan
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Race Tidal guardian (Beast)
Level 50 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Azsh'ari
Location Nazjatar
Status Killable

Azsh'ari Leviathans are tidal guardians located in Nazjatar.


  • Ability socererking arcanemines.png Empowered Summon — Azshara personally empowers the summoned creature, increasing damage dealt by 50% and Haste by 35%.
  • Ability vehicle electrocharge.png Lightning Breath — Unleashes a gout of electricity, striking all players in a cone in front of the caster and inflicting 50 Nature damage and stunning them for 12 sec.
  • Trade archaeology spinedquillboarscepter.png Spine Shot


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