Auditor Dawnporter

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HordeAuditor Dawnporter
Image of Auditor Dawnporter
Gender Male
Race Blood elf (Humanoid)
Level 45
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Valley of Strength, Orgrimmar
Status Alive

Auditor Dawnporter is a blood elf located in the Valley of Strength in Orgrimmar. He is disgruntled with the tactlessness of Ambassador Blackguard. Auditor Dawnporter stands between a small barracks and close to the blacksmithing building in Valley of Strength.



We have a forsaken ambassador, which makes sense given our Warchief, of course.

But I can't help asking myself, "what has it cost us?"

If you have a moment, can you please tell me of your experience with Ambassador Blackguard?

Gossip He was rude and blatantly offensive.
Gossip His appearance was off-putting.
Gossip He should be replaced immediately.

Thank you for taking my survey, <name>.
I shall present the petition after I have enough signatures.
Good day to you, <allied race>.


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