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Attendant Functionary

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NeutralAttendant Functionary
Image of Attendant Functionary
Race Attendant (Humanoid)
Level 59
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Oribos
Status Alive

Attendant Functionaries are attendants located in Oribos.

During N [60] Call of the Primus, one female Functionary attends the meeting in the Crucible and offers teleports back down to players. At the start of N [60] A Hasty Voyage, however, she reveals herself to be a Dreadlord Infiltrator and summons a Mawsworn attack.


  • Attendant Functionary says: The observations were delivered, Caretaker.
Caretaker Kah-Syne says: Very good. In service of the Purpose.
Attendant Functionary says: The Purpose is our way.
  • Attendant Functionary says: The Purpose perplexes me. I am not sure what to think of this chaos.
Attendant Functionary says: The Purpose is our way.
  • Attendant Functionary says: Greetings.
Attendant Functionary says: I cannot stay, but I wanted to say hello. So much work to attend to.
Attendant Functionary says: I am. Frustrating creatures, but we must trust that they serve the Purpose... in their own way.
Zereth Mortis campaign
Main article: Call of the Primus#Notes
Main article: A Hasty Voyage#Notes

Patch changes

External links