Assault on Mageddon (Horde)

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HordeAssault on Mageddon
Start Overlord Hun Maimfist
End Overlord Hun Maimfist
Level 61
Category Hellfire Peninsula
Experience 14,370
Reputation +350 Thrallmar
Rewards 6g
Previous H [61] The Legion's Plans
For the Alliance version of this quest, see A [61] Assault on Mageddon.


Kill Nightlord Malphas at Forge Base: Mageddon, and return to Overlord Hun Maimfist at Reaver's Fall.


With the skills of the mo'arg engineers and an endless supply of their gan'arg minions, they'll have churned out a fleet of fel reavers before we can get word to Orgrimmar.

We have no choice but to move against them as soon as possible. I cannot use Thrallmar's garrison to support you, since it would leave us too vulnerable.

There are any number of opportunists, the Alliance notwithstanding, who would eagerly pounce on our unprotected outpost. Do not fail, <name>. Too much depends on you.


You will receive: 6g


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