Arthur Seville

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AllianceArthur Seville
Image of Arthur Seville
Title <Caterer>
Gender Male
Race Human (Humanoid)
Level 10-60
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Kul Tiras
Location Norwington Estate, Tiragarde Sound
Status Alive

Arthur Seville is a human located at Norwington Estate in Tiragarde Sound. He runs Gallop - At Lord Norwingtons together with Sarella Griffin.


Inv misc food 117 heartysoup.png 5x [Braised Red Cabbage]
2g 37s 50c
Inv misc food 95 grainbread.png 5x [Caraway Rye Loaf]
2g 37s 50c
Inv holiday beerfestpretzel01.png 5x [Cinnamon Raisin Pretzel]
2g 37s 50c
Inv drink milk 04.png 5x [Free-Range Goat's Milk]
2g 37s 50c
Inv misc food 34.png 5x [Fried Sweetbread]
2g 37s 50c
Inv misc food 146 cakeslice.png 5x [Frosted Umbernut Cake]
2g 37s 50c
Inv misc food vendor peachpie.png 5x [Glenbrook Pudding]
2g 37s 50c
Inv misc food cooked braisedturtle.png 5x [Kul Tiran Meatballs]
2g 37s 50c
Inv drink waterskin 12.png 5x [Rockskip Mineral Water]
2g 37s 50c
Inv misc food 05.png 5x [Tiragarde Sharp]
2g 37s 50c

Objective of



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During the alpha, his title was <Steward>.

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External links