Arness the Scale

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MobArness the Scale
Image of Arness the Scale
Race Saurok (Humanoid)
Level 15-35 Rare
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Riverblade tribe
Location The Deepwild, Krasarang Wilds [56.3, 46.9]
Status Killable

Arness the Scale is a rare saurok found on the beach of The Deepwild in the Krasarang Wilds, guarding a large mound of treasure. Arness is a pandarian champion.


We take what we wish!


Arness the Scale shares abilities with all other saurok champions.

  • Inv misc hook 01.png Grappling Hook — Inflicts 450% weapon damage and pulls the target to the caster. 1.5 sec cast, 5 sec cooldown.
  • Ability rogue bladetwisting.png Smoked Blade — Inflicts 55% of the target's maximum health in Physical damage. Can only be used while vanished. Instant.
  • Ability vanish.png Vanish — Causes the target to vanish into the shadows, removing all debuffs and allowing the use of Smoked Blade. Instant.
  • Ability rogue garrote.png Vicious Rend — Causes the target to bleed for 1% of their maximum health as Physical damage every 5 seconds for 15 sec. Stacks. Instant.


Saurok champions, while not boasting the most health out of their counterpart Pandaren Champions, are among the more elusive and slippery. The main thing to be aware of is to remain close, and to keep Damage over Time effects on the lizard-like foe.

The most important abilities to keep note of are Vanish and Smoked Blade, the Saurok - much like a rogue - will suddenly disappear, and a player will have around four seconds to find the saurok before it closes in on the target. Often using AoEs or applying Damage over Time effects on the saurok will prematurely force it out of its invisibility. Otherwise - not much will save you from the sudden grievous strike of 55% of a targets maximum HP.

Vicious Rend turns the saurok into a timed fight - while kiting the saurok is indeed possible if one does not stray far enough for it to grapple its foe, it also can leave the saurok open for vanishing and ambushing you. Viscious Rend is simply a soft enrage - taking too long will allow the bleeding to worsen as the saurok continues to apply Vicious Rend every ten seconds or so - and while initially able to be healed or mitigated, will become more harsh over time.

Grappling Hook is not as strong as a Pandarens Chi Burst, but 450% weapon damage is nothing to scoff at - stray too far from the Saurok, and he will pull you right back in to continue the fight. Generally, you want to remain up close and personal with these reptilian bandits so as to prevent them from Vanishing.

In short:

  • Remain close to the Saurok to allow yourself the wiggle room to cancel the Sauroks vanish.
  • Make use of any and all DoTs or burst damage to end the fight as soon as possible.


Arness the Scale always drops one of the following:

And has a chance to drop one or both of the following:


As a Pandarian champion, defeating Arness the Scale is part of the following achievements:

Patch changes

External links