Arkadia Moa

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NeutralArkadia Moa
Image of Arkadia Moa
Title <Sanctum Upgrades>
Gender Female
Race Maldraxxi gladiator (Humanoid)
Level 60
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Undying Army
Location Seat of the Primus, Maldraxxus[52.74, 38.31]
Status Alive

Arkadia Moa is a gladiator who serves as the sanctum upgrader for the Seat of the Primus, located on the east side of the main hall.


Transport Network

  1. Ziggurat Now
  2. A Keep Above
  3. Flying Fortress

Anima Conductor

  1. Flowing Tendrils (Necrolord)
  2. Streaming Threads (Necrolord)
  3. Flowing Power (Necrolord)

Command Table

  1. Tactical Insight (Necrolord)
  2. Recuperative Treatments
  3. Forced March

Abomination Factory

  1. Build a Buddy
  2. Crafting Limbs
  3. Bring Them to Life
  4. Forged Friends
  5. Best Friends Forever


Necrolords Campaign
  1. N [60] Anima is Strength Activequest
  2. N [60] Into the Reservoir AvailablequestActivequest
  3. N [60] Opportunity Strikes Availablequest
  1. N [60] Bringing It All Together Activequest
  2. N [60] Sanctum Improvements AvailablequestActivequest
  3. N [60] Collective Soul Availablequest
  4. N [60] Strength in Numbers Availablequest
  • Replenish the Reservoir (Maldraxxus) AvailabledailyActivedaily
Sanctum Upgrades

Removed from game The subject of this section did not make it out of the beta stages of World of Warcraft: Shadowlands.

During the beta, the following quests involved Arkadia instead of Elspeth Larink.

  1. N [60] A Hero of Great Renown Activequest
  2. N [60] Glorious Ambition AvailablequestActivequest
  3. N [60] A Call to Service Availablequest



How can I help you?

Gossip Show me the Sanctum.


Patch changes

See also

Equivalent NPCs for other covenants:

External links