Appetizing Aftermath

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NeutralAppetizing Aftermath
Start Lasztak
End Agapanthus
Level 60-70
Type Daily
Category Little Scales Daycare
Experience 4,550
Rewards  [Battle Pet Bandage]
 [Beast Battle-Training Stone]
 [Humanoid Battle-Training Stone]
 [Mechanical Battle-Training Stone]
5x [Flightstones]
12g 87s


Help put the Little Scales Daycare back into order.

  • Birds scared (9)
  • Sand cleared (3)
  • Hungry Crawler slain (6)


Today's activities were interrupted by a spontaneous food fight. This has attracted several undesirable visitors to the daycare!

Please help clean up.


You will receive:

You will receive one item from:
Inv misc bandage 05.png [Battle Pet Bandage] Icon upgradestone beast legendary.png [Beast Battle-Training Stone]
Icon upgradestone humanoid legendary.png [Humanoid Battle-Training Stone] Icon upgradestone mechanical legendary.png [Mechanical Battle-Training Stone]
Icon upgradestone uncommon.png [Fel-Touched Battle-Training Stone]


It is interesting, being a janitor, educator, and minder, but I suppose that is what all caretakers become.


I wish it were possible for all this to just stay clean for a few minutes!

In any case, thank you, <name>.


Dreadsquall Hatchlings are terrorizing Scared Whelps. Lost Sands are by the playground. Hungry Crawlers appear when approaching the food on the ground.

Objectives completed
Lasztak says: Birds? Again?
Agapanthus says: One whelp feeds them and they all hurry back.
Lasztak says: We need anti-bird measures. A magical field to repel them, a sentry to shoo them away every day, something...
Agapanthus says: Lasztak, focus. Are the birds a problem worth that effort?
Lasztak says: ...No, I suppose not. Besides spooking a whelp here or there, they are mostly harmless.
Agapanthus says: Right. We can take care of them. Or, our friend can chase them off when we are busy.

Criterion of

Patch changes

External links