Anton Buckey

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AllianceAnton Buckey
Image of Anton Buckey
Gender Male
Race Dwarf (Humanoid)
Level 1-30
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Dun Morogh[30, 25]
Relative(s) Jermaine Buckey (brother)

Anton Buckey is a dwarf located above Gnomeregan in a tree, sitting above his brother Jermaine Buckey hiding from a Black Bear.


Jermaine Buckey says: I told ye not tae leave the boar ribs out! Why couldna yae had a proper stomach and eaten yer dinner like the rest o' us Buckeys?
Anton Buckey says: And who forgot tae grab the ale on the way up? Not me! Hahahaha!
Anton Buckey says: If ye climb up another notch, I’ll share me brew with ye!
Jermaine Buckey says: Stop drinking the last o' our ale and help me off this blasted branch!
Anton Buckey says: Nae, I'm enjoying me fine some Ironforge mead. Might be the last drink we have for a while yet.
Anton Buckey says: If ue want me advice, don't go strugglin' tae much. Ye'll just encourage them.
Jermaine Buckey says: Come any closer ya wee bear and I'll punch ya in the face!


This area is only accessible by flying or finding hidden paths through the mountains.

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