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Image of Anthriss
Race Fire spider (Beast)
Level 32-35 Rare
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Molten Front[54, 40]
Pet family Spider

Anthriss is a fire spider found in Molten Front.


  • Spell nature web.png Web Master — Physical. Never misses with Searing Web.
  • Spell fire moltenblood.png Searing Webs — Fire. Searing webs envelop the target, dealing Fire damage over time and slowing movement speed. Melts when submerged in lava. 45 yd range, 1 sec cast. (16,187 - 18,812 Fire damage taken every 1 sec. Movement speed decreased by 60%. Lasts for 10 seconds.)


Inv misc gem azuredraenite 02.png [Crystalline Tear of Loyalty]

Taming Challenge tactics

Anthriss has a Searing Web buff that damages nearby players. If you find yourself unable to survive the damage it causes, kite Anthriss into lava to remove the buff and tame him.

Patch changes

External links