Anne Stickney

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Anne Stickney is a Senior Narrative Designer at Blizzard Entertainment.[1] She was formerly a columnist for WoW Insider and its successor site, Blizzard Watch. In 2013, she co-authored the World of Warcraft: Ultimate Visual Guide with Kathleen Pleet.

In December 2019, Stickney announced that she would temporarily join Blizzard as an Assistant Historian.[2] In August 2020, she announced that she would start a "temporary stint" as one of Blizzard's Associate Narrative Designers.[3] Her contract expired in November of the same year,[4] but she subsequently announced that she would be joining Blizzard as a full-time Associate Narrative Designer.[5] In May 2023, she announced that she had been promoted to Senior Narrative Designer.[1]


The item  [Stickney's Grey-Shade Hood] and the Ardenweald NPC Aynnstykny are named after her.


  1. ^ a b Anne Stickney on Twitter (2023-03-17). Retrieved on 2023-03-17.​ “so a Thing happened
  2. ^ Anne Stickney on Twitter (2019-12-18).​ “Which is why I am BEYOND EXCITED to announce I'll be trucking it out to California to help out as an Assistant Historian with the gang for a little while at @Blizzard_Ent in what is basically MY DREAM JOB HOLY COW YOU GUYS FOR REAL THIS IS REALLY HAPPENING
  3. ^ Anne Stickney on Twitter (2020-08-07).​ “HOWEVER, uhhhhhhh I can't get enough of Blizzard / they can't get enough of me either which is why I'm starting a temporary stint as an Associate Narrative Designer with the WoW team on Monday
  4. ^ Anne Stickney on Twitter (2020-11-30).​ “Today is my last day of my contract with Blizzard - I've had the best time this year, between the amazing historian team and everyone over on Team 2. Despite working from home, it's been absolutely unforgettable and I wouldn't trade it for the world
  5. ^ Anne Stickney on Twitter (2020-11-30).​ “...but I don't have to trade it because today is also my first day as a full time Associate Narrative Designer on World of Warcraft - they aren't letting me go, and I'm not letting them go either

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