Ancient Spirit (quest)

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AllianceAncient Spirit
Start Arei
End Kayneth Stillwind
Level 56 (Requires 49)
Category Felwood
Experience 10,550 (or 43s 50c at level 70)
Reputation +350 Darnassus
Rewards  [Ethereal Mist Cape] or  [Clouddrift Mantle]
Previous A [54] Purified!


Escort Arei to safety, then speak with Kayneth Stillwind in Forest Song, in eastern Ashenvale.

  • Help Arei get to Safety


Felwood was once a peaceful and serene land... Until the legion[sic] took hold. The infernals, destruction, chaos...

The skull of Gul'dan ensured that none were spared here. All fell to the corruption.

Even now, as a spirit, I still find myself trapped, bearing the suffering of this land. Help me find my way home. Please, <name>, tell me you will lead an ancient spirit away from here, where I may finally rest.

Once I am free, seek out Kayneth Stillwind, a druid that resides in Forest Song, to the east.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Inv misc cape 05.png [Ethereal Mist Cape] Inv shoulder 30.png [Clouddrift Mantle]

You will also gain:


Yes, <name>. Felwood has been through much hardship. Thank you for what you have done.

One day, we may be able to reclaim Felwood from the corruption; every kind deed helps.


On accept
Arei says: Please, help me to get through this cursed forest, <race>.
In combat
  • Arei says: This creature suffers from the effects of the fel... We must end its misery.
  • Arei says: I regret that I must fight this <target>.
  • Arei says: That I must fight my own kind deeply saddens me.
  • Arei says: Help me with this <target>!
  • Arei says: I sense the taint of corruption upon this <target>. Help me destroy it!
  • Arei says: This <target> has been driven mad from the corruption!
Crossing the river
Arei says: The corruption has not left any of the creatures of Felwood untouched, <name>. Please, be on your guard.
Objective complete
Arei says: I can sense it now, <name>. Ashenvale lies down this road.
Arei says: I feel... something strange...
Arei says: <Name>, my form has now changed! The true strength of my spirit is returning to me now... The cursed grasp of the forest is leaving me.
Arei says: Thank you, <name>. Now my spirit will finally be at peace.

Upon reaching the road, an ambush of three Irontree Wanderers will surround Arei. Kill them to complete the quest.


Patch changes

  • Cata-Logo-Small.png Patch 4.0.3a (2010-11-23): Removed.
  • This quest used to involve escorting Arei all the way down to Ashenvale. It was changed a long time ago and now takes much less time.

External links