An Act of Kindness

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AllianceAn Act of Kindness
Start Rangari Laara
End Rangari Laara
Level 40 (Requires 40)
Category Nagrand
Experience 18,840
Reputation +250 rep with Council of Exarchs
Rewards 30g 80s


Use Restorative Goldcaps to revive fallen rangari.


I know that you and Vindicator Yrel are here on important matters, but I must ask you a favor.

A squad of rangari left on patrol just before the poisonous mist set in.

If they were caught out in the swamp, they are surely in trouble.

Harvest the Restorative Goldcaps growing among the reeds, and use them to restore any fallen rangari that you find.

If you find yourself in trouble, eat one to combat the poison.


Thank the Light! All of the rangari who were missing have returned accounted for. Thank you, hero.


You will also receive: 30g 80s


  • 18,840 XP
  • +250 reputation with Council of Exarchs

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