Amber Sword

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Amber Blade

The Ragged Mantid Sword or Amber Sword is found on the ground during Azq'roth invasions in Time Rifts around Tyrhold Reservoir. It starts N [60-70] Mantid Methodology, one of the criteria of  [Temporal Acquisitions Specialist].

After turning the blade in to Soridormi, the blade appears on a table nearby, where it can be interacted with:

Amber Blade

<The amber of this mantid sword is dented and chipped along the blade.

It appears to be well used, if not well maintained.

What use would the Black Empire have for weapons if they won against the Titans?

Maybe Soridormi knows more.>

Gossip Soridormi, what can you tell me about this Black Empire timeway?

Asking Soridormi the question provokes this response:

Soridormi says: Your guess is as good as mine <name>. Better than mine, since you fought creatures from that ill-fated realm.
Soridormi says: What do you suppose the Black Empire does when it has won?
Soridormi says: What does N'Zoth the Corruptor do after everything has been corrupted?
Soridormi says: That realm is full of faceless minions. What must it be like to live in terror... forever?
Soridormi says: Even when surrounded by madness, societies typically form structures over time. I cannot imagine what it would be like to live in that one.

Patch changes

External links

Ragged Mantid Sword Quest item Amber Blade