Amathet Guardian (Halls of Origination)

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For the mobs in Uldum, see Amathet Guardian.
MobAmathet Guardian
Image of Amathet Guardian
Gender Male
Race Tol'vir (Humanoid)
Level 120
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Amathet
Location Halls of Origination
Status Killable

Amathet Guardians are tol'vir located in the Halls of Origination during N [50] The Halls of Origination.


  • Warrior disruptingshout.png Intimidating Roar — The caster roars with such ferocity that all players within 15 yards have their casting speed reduced by 20% for 10 sec.


Main article: The Halls of Origination#Notes

Patch changes

External links