Amaryllis Webb

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NeutralAmaryllis Webb
Image of Amaryllis Webb
Gender Female
Race Forsaken (Undead)
Level 35
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Swamp of Sorrows[25, 54]

Amaryllis Webb is an undead found in the Swamp of Sorrows.

She sells  [Entomology Starter Kit] to druids and hunters for 50s.



I can't chat for long, <class>. My subjects require constant observation.

DruidHunterGossip What's with all the bugs?


DruidHunterGossip I've brought you some new specimens.

They are simply delightful! Look at the forelegs on this one; the coloring on this one's carapace; and the mandibles on this one!

I underestimated you at first, <name>. You have quite the keen eye, for a layperson.

Please, take this; a favor begets a favor.

<Amaryllis hands you a rune.>

Now, if you will excuse me, I must return to my research. You've given me much to study!

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