Allison Weber

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AllianceAllison Weber
Image of Allison Weber
Title <Harborside Spirits>
Gender Female
Race Human (Humanoid)
Level 110 - 120
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Kul Tiras
Location Tradewinds Market, Boralus
Status Alive

Allison Weber is a human located at Tradewinds Market in Boralus.

Vendor information

Inv potion 109.png ["Aurora Borealis"]
2g 59s 20c
Inv alchemy enchantedvial.png [Bitter Darkroot Vodka]
2g 59s 20c
Inv drink 33 bloodredale.png [Blacktooth Bloodwine]
2g 59s 20c
Trade alchemy dpotion d12.png [Brennadam Apple Brandy]
2g 59s 20c
Inv drink 10.png [Hook Point Schnapps]
2g 59s 20c
Inv drink 27 bluesoup.png [Thornspeaker Moonshine]
2g 59s 20c


This section includes speculation on characters that might be related, usually because they may share a last name. It should not be taken as representing official lore.

She may be related to Joan Weber.

Patch changes

External links