Veteran Crusader Aliocha Segard

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NeutralVeteran Crusader Aliocha Segard
Image of Veteran Crusader Aliocha Segard
Title <Argent Crusade Quartermaster>
Gender Male
Race Human (Humanoid)
Level 25-30 Elite
Class Paladin
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Argent Crusade
Occupation Vendor
Location Argent Vanguard, Icecrown[87.5, 75.6]
Veteran Crusader Aliocha Segard.jpg

“Wear the tabard of the Argent Crusade with pride and honor!”

Veteran Crusader Aliocha Segard

Veteran Crusader Aliocha Segard can be found at the Argent Vanguard in Icecrown. He is the quartermaster for the Argent Crusade.

Shadowlands This section concerns content related to Shadowlands.

He was present in the Argent Tournament Grounds during Death Rising.


Vendored information

Veteran Crusader Aliocha Segard
<Argent Crusade Quartermaster>
Rep Item Cost Type
Friendly  [Tabard of the Argent Crusade] 1g Tabard
Honored  [Cloak of Holy Extermination] 21g 9s 13c Back
 [Standard Issue Legguards] 46g 18s 42c Plate Legs
 [Special Issue Legplates] 46g 36s 29c Plate Legs
Revered  [Argent Skeleton Crusher] 89g 56s 27c 2H Mace
 [Battle Mender's Helm] 32g 72s 90c Mail Head
 [Design: Guardian's Twilight Opal] 4g Jewelcrafting
 [Fang-Deflecting Faceguard] 37g 96s 85c Plate Head
 [Purifying Torch] 52g 35s 6c Wand
 [Zombie Sweeper Shotgun] 53g 94s 17c Gun
Exalted  [Boots of the Neverending Path] 35g 83s 98c Leather Feet
 [Helm of Purified Thoughts] 53g 67s 12c Plate Head
 [Pattern: Brilliant Spellthread] 5g Tailoring
 [Polished Regimental Hauberk] 61g 23s 79c Mail Chest
 [Signet of Hopeful Light] 28g 49s 83c Finger
Death Rising
Argent Commendation rewards
Alliance item Horde item Cost Type
 [Anti-Doom Broom]  [Anti-Doom Broom] 15 Argent Commendation Toy
 [Putrid Geist]  [Putrid Geist] 20 Argent Commendation Pet
 [Argent Conscript's Circlet]  [Argent Conscript's Skullcap] 15 Argent Commendation Cloth head
 [Argent Conscript's Mantle]  [Argent Conscript's Mantle] 15 Argent Commendation Cloth shoulder
 [Argent Conscript's Drape]  [Argent Conscript's Drape] 15 Argent Commendation Cloth cloak
 [Argent Conscript's Robe]  [Argent Conscript's Robe] 15 Argent Commendation Cloth chest
 [Argent Conscript's Bracers]  [Argent Conscript's Bracers] 15 Argent Commendation Cloth wrist
 [Argent Conscript's Gloves]  [Argent Conscript's Gloves] 15 Argent Commendation Cloth hands
 [Argent Conscript's Cord]  [Argent Conscript's Cord] 15 Argent Commendation Cloth waist
 [Argent Conscript's Leggings]  [Argent Conscript's Leggings] 15 Argent Commendation Cloth legs
 [Argent Conscript's Treads]  [Argent Conscript's Treads] 15 Argent Commendation Cloth feet
 [Argent Conscript's Cowl]  [Argent Conscript's Mask] 15 Argent Commendation Leather head
 [Argent Conscript's Pauldrons]  [Argent Conscript's Pauldrons] 15 Argent Commendation Leather shoulder
 [Argent Conscript's Cloak]  [Argent Conscript's Cloak] 15 Argent Commendation Leather cloak
 [Argent Conscript's Tunic]  [Argent Conscript's Tunic] 15 Argent Commendation Leather chest
 [Argent Conscript's Wriststraps]  [Argent Conscript's Wriststraps] 15 Argent Commendation Leather wrist
 [Argent Conscript's Grips]  [Argent Conscript's Grips] 15 Argent Commendation Leather hands
 [Argent Conscript's Belt]  [Argent Conscript's Belt] 15 Argent Commendation Leather waist
 [Argent Conscript's Leggings]  [Argent Conscript's Leggings] 15 Argent Commendation Leather legs
 [Argent Conscript's Boots]  [Argent Conscript's Boots] 15 Argent Commendation Leather feet
 [Argent Conscript's Helmet]  [Argent Conscript's Helmet] 15 Argent Commendation Mail head
 [Argent Conscript's Shoulderguards]  [Argent Conscript's Shoulderguards] 15 Argent Commendation Mail shoulder
 [Argent Conscript's Cape]  [Argent Conscript's Lined Cloak] 15 Argent Commendation Mail cloak
 [Argent Conscript's Mail Shirt]  [Argent Conscript's Mail Shirt] 15 Argent Commendation Mail chest
 [Argent Conscript's Wristclamps]  [Argent Conscript's Wristclamps] 15 Argent Commendation Mail wrist
 [Argent Conscript's Overgloves]  [Argent Conscript's Overgloves] 15 Argent Commendation Mail hands
 [Argent Conscript's Cinch]  [Argent Conscript's Cinch] 15 Argent Commendation Mail waist
 [Argent Conscript's Pants]  [Argent Conscript's Pants] 15 Argent Commendation Mail legs
 [Argent Conscript's Folded Boots]  [Argent Conscript's Folded Boots] 15 Argent Commendation Mail feet
 [Argent Conscript's Greathelm]  [Argent Conscript's Tuskhelm] 15 Argent Commendation Plate head
 [Argent Conscript's Spaulders]  [Argent Conscript's Spaulders] 15 Argent Commendation Plate shoulder
 [Argent Conscript's Lined Cloak]  [Argent Conscript's Cape] 15 Argent Commendation Plate cloak
 [Argent Conscript's Breastplate]  [Argent Conscript's Breastplate] 15 Argent Commendation Plate chest
 [Argent Conscript's Wristplates]  [Argent Conscript's Wristplates] 15 Argent Commendation Plate wrist
 [Argent Conscript's Gauntlets]  [Argent Conscript's Gauntlets] 15 Argent Commendation Plate hands
 [Argent Conscript's Buckle]  [Argent Conscript's Buckle] 15 Argent Commendation Plate waist
 [Argent Conscript's Greaves]  [Argent Conscript's Greaves] 15 Argent Commendation Plate legs
 [Argent Conscript's Greaves]  [Argent Conscript's Greaves] 15 Argent Commendation Plate feet



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Notes and trivia

Patch changes

See also

External links

Icecrown Death Rising