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Image of Alfryd
Gender Male
Race Venthyr (Humanoid)
Level 60
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Occupation Servant
Location Redelav Tower, Revendreth

Alfryd is a venthyr located in Redelav Tower at Revendreth. He is the personal butler of The Countess. His original penance was to serve in her court, so as to humble his own sin of desire, until his feelings turned into genuine loyalty. He follows her when she is in her manor, when she oversees the nobles of Revendreth, and when she attends the Ember Court.



When I first arrived in Revendreth my penance was to serve the Countess and the nobles of her court. Over the millennia my penance turned into a desire. Now I willingly remain here as a personal servant and confidant to the Countess. I tend to her every need and lock away her darkest secrets.

For your sake, I hope another lock is not needed.

Patch changes

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