Alan Greasehops

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NeutralAlan Greasehops
Image of Alan Greasehops
Title <The Tipsy Tinkerer>
Gender Male
Race Mechagon mechagnome (Humanoid)
Level 10-60
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Rustbolt Resistance
Location Rustbolt, Mechagon Island
Status Alive

Alan Greasehops is a Mechagon mechagnome located in the Tipsy Tinkerer in Rustbolt on Mechagon Island after the completion of N [10-60] The Tipsy Tinkerer.


Inv gizmo manasyphon.png [Constellation Drop]
3s 40c
Spell misc drink.png [Muddy Chassis]
3s 40c
Inv drink 04.png [Resistance Roller]
3s 40c
Inv drink 05.png [Rustbolt Rootbeer]
3s 40c
Inv drink 30 blackheartgrog.png [Scrap Heap]
3s 40c


Main article: The Tipsy Tinkerer (quest)#Notes
Main article: Rustbolt Kegerator#Event
Main article: Him?#Notes

Patch changes

External links